Update user

Edits the properties of the specified user.


  • HTTP Verb: PUT
  • URI: /user/{id}

Query Parameters

  • id: user identifier. It could be either user id, user email or member_id.

PUT Parameters

email email for the user login *
member_id a custom unique identifier for this user, could be the user's id from your database
name user first name *
surname user last name *
title user title, such as Mr, Lady, Dr, etc.
suffix user letters after name
country country name
region region name
city city name
licensing_region licensing region name
company company name

Request example

$API->editUser('adrian.perez@wcea.education', array(
  "email" => "aperez@wcea.education",
  "member_id" => "x_124",

Output Example

  "id" => 1,
  "email" => "aperez@wcea.education",
  "member_id" => "x_124",
  "name" => "Adrián",
  "surname" => "Pérez",
  "title" => "Mr",
  "suffix" => "PhD",
  "country" => "Spain",
  "region" => "Andalucía",
  "licensing_region" => "Andalucía",
  "city" => "Marbella",
  "company" => "WCEA"