Update accreditor

Edits or adds accreditors to the specified user's profile.


  • HTTP Verb: PUT / POST
  • URI: /user/{user_id}/accreditor/{id}

Query Parameters

  • user_id: user identifier. It could be either user id, user email or custom member_id.
  • id: accreditor id.

PUT / POST Parameters

These parameters are defined by what that particular accreditor's user_fields are.

user_fields can be viewed here: Get accreditor

Both PUT and POST requests behave the same way. If an accreditor is in a user's profile it will be updated. If it doesn't exist in the profile, it will be added.

The success of this operation depends on the accreditor user_fields. If a particular user_field is required: true, and the field is not set, the operation will fail with an error message indicationg why it failed.

Any given user_field contains 4 keys:

type There are 3 types: text, multiline-text and date. All 3 are quite flexible in what they accept, however with the date field please set a readable date, for example 02-02-2015 or 21 Mar 2015
default_value Default value if not filled in
required Whether this field is required. If a field is required, the operation will fail with an error if it is not set
user_value The current value of this field in the user's profile

You need the latest version of the PHP SDK for this, located here: https://github.com/wcealliance/php-sdk

Request example

$API->editUserAccreditor('adrian.perez@wcea.education', 1, array(
  "Date of birth" => "01 Jan 1988"

Output Example

   "id" => 1,
   "name" => "Accreditation board of Pharmacists",
   "abbreviation" => "ABP",
   "user_fields" => array(
     "Date of birth" => array(
       "type" => "date",
       "default_value" => "",
       "required" => true,
       "user_value" => "01 January 1988",