Response metadata

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All responses from WCEA API come with an envelope, which contains meta information, such as Status and Count.

In the case of responses that contain a list, the metadata also contains pagination hints indicating where we are on the list and how many items are still left etc.

The metadata object also contains a links sub-object, which contains HATEOAS links related to the current resource.

For list type responses, pagination links are provided as a convenience allowing you to jump from page to page, as well as links to the first and last pages where appropriate.

For responses that contain a single resource, any related resource urls are also available as HATEOAS links inside the metadata links object.

Metadata Properties

status Either SUCCESS or ERROR depending on whether there was an error
count total number of items returned in this response
offset only shows up on list type resources, contains the current data offset
total only shows up on list type resources, contains the total number of items in the list

sub-object containing links either to related resources, or pagination links. The key for each link contains the relation from the current resource to the linked resource:

method HTTP verb to use when querying the resource
uri URL of the resource

Metadata contained in the response can be accessed using a special getter method, this method is available after every request made to the API, and contains metadata from the last request performed.

$metadata = $API->getMetadata();


---- OUTPUTS ----

array( "status" => "SUCCESS", //HTTP Code "count" => 10, //number of items in the response //other items "links" => array() //HATEOAS links )

HATEOAS links can be accessed on their own instead of getting the whole metadata object by using special getter getLinks():

$links = $API->getLinks();


---- OUTPUTS ----

array( "trainingPofile" => array(    "method" => "GET",    "uri" => "/v1/user/1234/trainingProfile" ) )